Justin Taylor performs twice at Festival Internacional de Música Pau Casals with Orquestra da Camera, and his ensemble Le Consort

Photo credit: JB Millot

Photo credit: JB Millot

Next week, Justin Taylor performs at Festival Internacional de Música Pau Casals in a double-bill of J.S. Bach programmes at the Auditori Pau Casals, Sant Salvador, Spain

On 19 July (20:30), Justin presents a selection from Bach's Brandenburg Concerti, in addition to further works by the German composer, with Orquestra da Camera, featuring leader Giuliano Carmignola and soloists Lucas Macias-Navarro (oboe) and Magali Mosnier (flute). 

Tickets are available to purchase here!

Justin returns to the Festival on 23 July (20:30) following a concert at Festival du ForezFrance (21 July), this time joined by his ensemble Le Consort. Together the musicians will present selected sonatas and arias by Bach with soprano Elena Copons.

Tickets are available here!