The Reviews Are Out: Reginald Mobley's latest album receives critical acclaim
in the run up to Reginald Mobley’s final concert of his album release tour and debut at the festival d’aix-en-provence, we would like to share a few commentaries
Later this week, Reginald Mobley will make his debut at the Aix-en-Provence Festival for the final concert of his album release tour.
Click here for more information
Commended for his colourful and warm tone, Reginald Mobley’s new album, ‘Because’, has received a number of outstanding reviews. In a slightly unlikely but completely seductive pairing (Planet Hugill), Reginald Mobley and Baptiste Trotignon bring together several traditionally opposing genres, including jazz, Baroque classical music, and African American spirituals.
Reviews: ‘Because’
Reginald Mobley and Baptiste Trotignon
Reste que l’on est impressionné par les sons filés du falsettiste, faisant miroiter mille nuances de bleu dans son vibrato, tandis que Trotignon tisse un tapis d’accords suspendus, de passage, altérés, diminués, avec seconde ajoutée ou basse modifiée, comme à l’église.
Still, we are impressed by the spun sounds of the falsettist, shimmering with a thousand shades of blue in his vibrato, while Trotignon weaves a carpet of suspended, passing, altered, diminished chords, with an added second or modified bass, like at church.
Il est la vie même, intense et naturelle de ces musiques qui viennent du coeur et vous envoûtent. Magistral.
It is the very intense and natural life of this music that comes from the heart and enchants you. Masterful.
Because […] Es un compendio musical realizado con la delicadeza de un orfebre, plasmando un repertorio que conjuga varias facetas y aristas para trazar un viaje que redime a la música. Desde el spiritual al gospel y la canción de cámara a la popular, Mobley inviste cada canción con la pureza y ternura de una voz única, dulce y cristalina. Si las intervenciones del pianista transforman el recital en un torneo musical entre ambos protagonistas, son los solos a capella de Mobley los que dejan una impronta imborrable en la memoria…
Because […] is a musical compendium made with the delicacy of a goldsmith, capturing a repertoire that combines various facets and edges to trace a journey that redeems music. From the spiritual to the gospel and the chamber song to the popular, Mobley invests each song with the purity and tenderness of a unique, sweet and crystal clear voice. If the pianist's interventions transform the recital into a musical tournament between the two protagonists, it is Mobley's a cappella solos that leave an indelible mark on the memory…
In a slightly unlikely but completely seductive pairing, countertenor Reginald Mobley is joined by jazz pianist/composer Baptiste Trotignon […] Throughout them all, Mobley sings with a lovely warm, focused tone bringing a purity to the line which is complemented by Trotignon's jazz-based accompaniments. The result is a striking and engaging sound-world.
Still, his countertenor has hints of the same otherworldly aura that Anderson held in the upper reaches of her contralto range. He works this luminousness as if he’s sharpening a knife. The phrase “a long way from home” gets stretched out with each repetition, until the distance seems endless.
Reginald Mobley and Baptiste Trotignon live on France Musique on 10th June 2023
Click on the icons below to listen to the album
UPCOMING performances
24th June 2023 | 8PM | Abbaye du Silvacane, France
Festival D’Aix-En-Provence
Reginald Mobley : Countertenor
Baptiste Trotignon : Piano
Find Out More HERE
BBC Proms
Reginald Mobley : Countertenor
Baptiste Trotignon : Piano
Find Out More HERE