Les Talens Lyriques and Christophe Rousset in Handel's Giulio Cesare in Egitto

A chance to look back on Les Talens Lyriques’s performance of Handel’s Giulio Cesare in Egitto under the direction of Christophe Rousset at the Ambronay Festival in September 2019. The concert features a stellar cast including:

Christopher Lowrey - Giulio Cesare
Karina Gauvin - Cleopatra
Eve-Maud Hubeaux - Cornelia
Ann Hallenberg - Sesto
Kacper Szelazek - Tolomeo
Ashley Riches - Achilla

Available to listen here: https://www.francemusique.fr/concert/festival-d-ambronay-haendel-lowrey-gauvin-hubeaux-hallenberg-szelazek-riches-les-talens-lyriques-rousset

Les Talens Lyriques Square.jpg