Jordi Savall to be celebrated in new BBC World Service radio documentary


The life and work of the celebrated Catalan conductor, viol player and early musician, Jordi Savall is to be celebrated in a new feature-length documentary by Overcoat Media airing on the BBC World Service on 1st December 2020.

Presented by leading Catalan journalist Lluis Amiguet (La Vanguardia) and produced by award-winning radio documentary-maker Steven Rajam (Prix Italia; Prix Marulic), the programme follows Jordi Savall at work and at home in the summer of 2020, as he works with his ensembles Hésperion XXI and La Capella Reial de Catalunya in a concert celebrating the life of the French heroine Joan of Arc.

Jordi reveals to us the secrets of his remarkable career as a musical “time-traveller” – and how he bridges both centuries and global musical cultures to make the experiences and emotions of the distant past sing to us today.

Producer Steven Rajam commented:

“Jordi is a musical phenomenon – and in this programme, he shares with Lluis Amiguet some of the ideas and inspirations that have made him one of the most exciting musicians of the 21st century”

More information can be found on the BBC World Service website here, where the programme can also be heard after the first broadcast.

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