Consone Quartet receive another glowing review for their debut album

“Prize-winning young quartet scores a bullseye with this debut”

The Consone Quartet have received a glowing review for their debut album from classical music magazine, The Strad.

Charlotte Gardner praises the debut disc as “something special”, and the programme as “perfect debut recording material for these musicians” before concluding that the album is a “musical, emotional, stylistic and technical bullseye.” High praise indeed!

To read the full review, pick up a copy of the March edition of The Strad, or keep an eye out for the digital edition here.

Grab your copy of the debut album here to hear exactly what Charlotte is talking about! Or catch the quartet live at one of their upcoming concerts:

- 24 February (18:30), Kings Place with Gillian Keith (soprano)
- 1 March (12:00), Britten Studio, Snape Maltings
- 8 March (12:00), Jubilee Hall, Aldeburgh

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