Pianist Jenny Q Chai has released her third album, (S)yn(e)sth(e)te, with MSR Classics. As the title suggests, Q Chai aims to explore the relationship between sound and colour, more specifically the range from blue to orange. Synesthesia is a perceptual phenomenon in which the stimulation of one sensory path automatically activates another, often involuntarily.
For Q Chai, "[her] synesthesia came on gradually, starting with certain notes and colors, but leading to connections with more impressionistic-like watercolors, that is, more of light and shadow, and the blended tones of colors."
The album explores these colours in the works of Wollschleger, Akiho, Ligeti, Kurtag, Messiaen, and arguably the 'father of colour', Debussy.
For more information, click here.